Shellfish Conservation Committee


Crystal Fairfield


Keith Pendleton


Jon Kerr


Mark Umbach

Associate Member

Tricia Brenza

Associate Member

Robert Giles


Fred Porter


Town Manager


Islesboro Shellfish Regulations


Maine Department of Marine Resources Map of Islesboro Open Areas

About Our Work

The Shellfish Conservation Committee was established by the Town of Islesboro in 1998.  The goal of the committee is to administer a shellfish conservation program for the Town of Islesboro which will ensure the  protection and optimum utilization of shellfish resources within its limits.  We continue to try to meet this goal by means which may include:

A) Licensing

B) Limiting the number of shellfish harvesters

C) Restriciing the time and area where digging is permitted.

D) Limiting the minimum size of clams taken.

E) Limiting the amount of clams taken daily by a harvester