Cemetery Committee


Lucinda Gorham


Sharon McCorision


Bill Boardman


Murt Durkee


Bruce Frank



Ex Officio

About Our Work

Up until October 2013, the Islesboro Cemetery Committee maintained two cemeteries owned by the Town of Islesboro, Maine.

These were Bayview and Sprague.  We monitored approximately 25 other burial sites located on private land and notified land owners if these burial sites needed attention.

Due to a new Maine Law passed July 16, 2013 (L.D. 274), the committee will now have legal access to ancient burial grounds located on private land.  It will be our mission to work with these land owners to meet the state's requirements for preserving and protecting our burial sites.

We will continue to monitor all burial sites and keep in good condition these burial sites to the best of our ability.

Click here to view the letter of November 1, 2013 along with the questionnaire to landowners who have burial grounds on their property.


Mission Statement

The vision of the Islesboro Cemetery Committee is to strive to preserve, maintain and protect all burial sites on the island of Islesboro, Maine.  It is our goal to accomplish this mission while being fiscally responsible to the members of the community who have charged us with this task.  We encourage appreciation and respect for our ancesters and for their final resting place and by our actions hope to pass this vision on to all who live here.  

"Show me your cemeteries and I will tell you what kind of people you have."  Benjamin Franklin

Frequent Questions

Where do I find the location of an ancestor buried on Islesboro?

Contact the Town Office and ask to see the cemetery index.  On weekends, when the Town Office is closed, you can contact the library.  Additionally, in the summer, you can contact the Historical Society or Grindle Point Museum, both of which have the cemetery index.   

What do I do if I am interested in purchasing a lot in an Islesboro cemetery?

Contact the Islesboro Town Office to be directed to someone who will guide you through the process of purchasing a cemetery lot.